Instant Pot / Pressure Cooker Spicy Chicken Soup
A quick to throw together chicken soup with a Mexican twist. It's loaded with chicken, black beans, corn, tomatoes,...
A quick to throw together chicken soup with a Mexican twist. It's loaded with chicken, black beans, corn, tomatoes,...
Bok choy chicken soup noodles is a comfort food meal made in an Instant Pot. Make this easy and quick pressure...
Instant Pot Chicken and Hominy Soup is a healthy one-pot dinner with leftover or raw chicken, tomatillos and two...
This hearty and flavor-packed Instant Pot Chicken and Rice soup uses rotisserie chicken, carrots, peas, and celery to make...
This quick and easy Instant Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup is a delicious shortcut dump-everything recipe that’s on the table...
Creamy Instant Pot Butternut Squash Soup is filling and hearty, thanks to rotisserie chicken and orzo pasta.
Instant Pot / Pressure Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Soup is a creamy meal loaded with chicken, long grain...
I love making soups in the pressure cooker; they're so quick and easy and you get the flavor of...
This Pressure Cooker Chorizo, Chicken and Kale Soup is a spicy soup loaded with good for you ingredients, garbanzo...
A creamy split pea soup spiced up with sausage and a little red pepper flakes. My husband grew up eating...
When I was looking at Cinco de May recipes on Pinterest, I came across Skinny Taste's Crockpot Picante Chicken and Black Bean...
A hearty, spicy tomato based, creamy chicken soup topped with tortilla chips, queso blanco and sour cream. A perfect...