Lemon Basil Chicken Thighs
This Instant Pot Lemon Basil chicken dinner is fast, delicious, and full of flavor from cumin, coriander, and fresh...
This Instant Pot Lemon Basil chicken dinner is fast, delicious, and full of flavor from cumin, coriander, and fresh...
Fork tender boneless, skinless chicken thighs in a luscious peanut Thai sauce cooks in the pressure cooker in a fraction...
Korean chicken thighs made in an Instant Pot come out tender, juicy, and delicious in just a few minutes!...
This easy one-pot Instant Pot Cilantro Chicken and Rice uses fresh herbs, chile peppers, lime juice, and chicken thighs...
Instant Pot chicken cacciatore is a family-friendly dinner of chicken in a tomato and vegetable sauce served over creamy...
Make the best Instant Pot Kung Pao Chicken using chicken breasts, soy sauce, chicken broth and garlic for a...
Make Instant Pot walking tacos with chips, chicken breasts, salsa, and store-bought taco seasoning for a family favorite chicken...
Instant Pot honey garlic chicken with soy sauce, ketchup, fresh garlic, and sriracha is a quick and easy chicken...
Chicken and rice in a Thai peanut sauce served burrito style with salsa and sour cream. If you've never...
Chicken Tinga features chicken breast in a simple and flavorful tomato-chipotle sauce, wrapped up in a flour tortilla and...
Make artichoke chicken in an Instant Pot with jarred artichokes and chicken breast for an easy weeknight dinner.
Instant Pot Chicken Bacon Pasta is a quick, easy, one-pot meal that’s rich, hearty, and ready in less than...