Instant Pot Duo Gourmet Review
The Instant Pot Duo Gourmet is a new, Costco-exclusive Instant Pot model released in 2020. The 6-quart Gourmet has some deluxe cooking modes, an upgraded auto-seal lid, and comes with basic accessories—available for a budget price.

The Instant Pot Duo Gourmet combines many of my favorite features from the latest Instant Pot models at a competitive price point.
It has the a similar button layout to the updated Duo Plus, the display of the Duo, the push-button pressure release that I love from the Duo Nova.
Read my complete review for everything you need to know about the new Instant Pot Duo Gourmet! Or, jump to my How To Use The Instant Pot Duo Gourmet video.
Looking to Buy? The Instant Pot Duo Gourmet 6-quart is now available at Costco for $79. However, starting October 28th, they’re offering a $20 off coupon to bring it close to last year’s Black Friday prices for the classic Duo and Duo Nova. (While supplies last.)
Just Bought a New Gourmet? Read the review for the basics of your machine, then hop over to my Getting Started Guide to get cooking in your new Duo Gourmet! I’ll walk you through everything!
🛑 Bottom Line: I really like the Duo Gourmet. It’s a step up from the Duo, thanks to the improved sealing mechanism in the lid and the high-demand buttons.
When deciding between the Duo Gourmet and the Duo Nova, the major differentiators are the Sous Vide and Sterilize buttons on the Gourmet and the larger, more detailed screen on the Nova. Either is a great option.
(To compare the Duo Gourmet with other models, check out my Instant Pot 2020 Buying Guide or read my other Instant Pot Reviews.)
What Is the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet?
The Instant Pot Duo Gourmet 9-in-1 is an Instant Pot model that is only available at Costco.
What Comes with the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet?
The Instapot Duo Gourmet comes with a quick start guide, detachable power cord, and trivet that folds flat. It also comes with an additional sealing ring and several accessories that are missing in other new Instant Pot models (details below).
It has a removable power cord, which I prefer for easy storage. (I like to keep my cord inside the pot when not in use.)
What You’ll Love about the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet
The Duo Gourmet pressure cooker adds in features found on mid-range pressure cookers like the Duo Plus but with a standard LED screen.
Accessories Included
While all Instant Pot models come with a trivet included, I absolutely love that the Gourmet comes with additional accessories, including
- a pair of mini mitts,
- a spare silicone ring,
- a ladle,
- a rice paddle,
- a measuring cup for rice.
I consider the mini mitts and spare ring ESSENTIAL accessories, and I love that they’re included for the price of the pressure cooker.
The ladle, rice paddle, and rice measuring cup have been missing from the new 2019 models. I regularly use my ladle and rice paddle from previous models, so it’s nice to see them included.
(The rice measuring cup isn’t a standard US measuring cup, so I almost never use it.)
Instant Pot also offers many additional accessories, including the Air Fryer Lid, that are compatible with the Duo Gourmet.
Updated Lid
Like other newer Instant Pot models, this one has the quick-seal lid! The quick release switch automatically sets to Seal when the lid is closed. No more forgetting to set the release valve in the sealed position!
The pressure release button is also easy to manually reset if you need to use an intermittent pressure release.
It also has the lid fins that fit into the side of the base to hold the lid up when it is removed.
Updated Button Layout
This is the only model available at this price point that offers the Yogurt, Sous Vide, and Sterilize buttons.
The button layout is a cross between the Duo Plus and the Duo. The preset buttons are located along the sides and the plus and minus buttons are incorporated below the screen. The Pressure Cook button is in the top left.
The buttons have been rearranged from the Duo Plus, and some of the buttons have replaced others or modified the default cook time. The buttons available include (listed top-down, left-to-right):
- Pressure Cook
- Soup/Broth
- Meat
- Stew
- Sterilize
- Slow Cook
- Sauté
- Rice
- Brown Rice
- Oatmeal
- Bean
- Chili
- Yogurt
- Sous Vide
Like the Duo, the Gourmet automatically starts after you’ve selected your cooking options and time; there’s no start button.
When you do adjust a preset, the Gourmet automatically remembers the customized time or temperature and will cook that way in the future, until you reset it.
⚠️ Note: Don’t be overwhelmed by all the buttons! My recipes are written to work in any brand of electric pressure cooker. The two must-use buttons are the same as always: Pressure Cook and Sauté.
What You Need to Know Before Buying the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet
Traditional LED Screen
Unlike the Instant Pot Duo Plus, the Gourmet has the standard LED screen, similar to the one on the classic Instant Pot Duo but in blue.
The basic display shows you the cook time, adjustment level (Less, Normal, or More), and whether you’re using low or high pressure.
No Cooking Status Display
One drawback to having the LED screen is that you miss out on the LCD features that show you where you are in the cooking process. (The LCD screen on the Duo Evo Plus has the status bar.) It’s not a huge loss—the Gourmet simply reads “ON” while it’s preheating, then switches to the cook time while it’s pressure cooking.
Still, if you’re impatient like me, it’s something to consider.
What Are the Specs for the Duo Gourmet?
The Instant Pot Duo Gourmet uses a sensor to toggle between 10.2 and 11.6psi on High Pressure and between 5.8 and 7.2psi on the Low Pressure setting.
Instant Pot Duo Gourmet 60 is the 6-quart pressure cooker. It is 1000 watts, just over 14 pounds, and 13.8″ long × 12.4″ wide × 12.4″ tall.
The full Instant Pot Duo Gourmet user manual is available here.
How to Clean the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet
While Instant Pot indicates that all cooking parts and accessories are top-rack dishwasher safe, I prefer to hand wash everything, except the inner cooking pot which I’ll often put on the bottom rack of the dishwasher.
To wash the lid: I remove the silicone ring and wash with hot soapy water. Then I use a wet dishcloth to scrub and rinse the lid in running water. I generally do not submerge my lid or let it soak.
Wash the anti-block shield, float valve, and silicone cap with every use. I like to remove them after the lid has been washed, wash them in my hand, dry them, and immediately reinstall them on the lid. (Just to prevent any of these small parts from being lost.)
To Wash the Housing: Do not submerge the housing. Just use a damp, soapy cloth to wipe down the pressure cooker and the lip around the top, then rinse with a soap-free cloth.
Be sure to empty and wash the condensation cup before placing the cooking pot back inside the housing.
How to Turn Off the Sound on the Duo Gourmet Instant Pot
Right after you turn on the Duo Gourmet, press and hold the minus button [-] until the display indicates SOFF and the icon displays a little X next to the sound icon.
To turn the sound on again, simply press the plus button [+] button until the display shows S On.
Note that you can not turn off the sound while a cooking function is enabled.
What Do the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet Error Codes Mean?
There are six basic types of error codes you may see on your Instant Pot Duo Gourmet. The manual provides possible issues and solutions for each of the error codes (see pages 55–58 for more details.)
Instant Pot Duo Gourmet Burn Notice
OvHt / BURN / FOOD BURN are all error codes that indicate burn notice for one of four reasons:
- the inner pot is not positioned properly inside the outer housing
- the temperature inside the pot is too hot
- the inner pot does not have enough liquid
- food deposits on the bottom of the cooking pot may be blocking heat dissipation
If you’ve gotten the burn notice, remove the inner cooking pot from the base. Check for debris inside the pressure cooker housing or on the outside of the cooking pot. (Keep in mind that the cooker will be hot, so you may need to let it cool to thoroughly check.)
If food has burned onto the bottom of the inner cooking pot, soak and scrub off the burned foods. Allow the pot to cool before pressure cooking again. Be sure to add more liquid to the pot and avoid ingredients containing thickeners like canned soups or pre-packaged spaghetti sauces.
Other InstaPot Duo Gourmet Error Codes
The other error codes are quite rare:
C1, C2, C6, C6H, C6L: These five errors don’t specify what exactly is wrong, just that your Instant Pot may have a faulty sensor and that you’ll need to contact customer support at 1-800-828-7280 or support @
C5 indicates that the cooking pot is not quite in place or that there is no water in the inner cooking pot.
C7 or NoPr indicates that the heat element has failed, there is not enough liquid, or the quick release switch is in the vent position. If you get the error, check the release valve and make sure there is the minimum amount of liquid required for pressure (1 cup). If those aren’t the problem, contact Customer Support.
Lid indicates that the lid is not correctly positioned. Simply open the lid and replace it, ensuring it is properly placed. (Note: Don’t use the lid with the saute setting.
PrSE indicates that pressure has accumulated during a non-pressure cooking program. You will want to use the quick release vent to reduce pressure in the pot.
How To Use the Instant Pot Duo Gourmet
Disclosure: I purchased an Instant Pot Duo Gourmet to review. As always, my opinion is always my own.
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Hi! This is a great review and I love my Costco Duo Gourmet 60. Can you link me to the exact replacement/extra sealing rigs? There are a million of them on the web but I wonder if any will exactly fit the Costco exclusive model. Thanks!
Thanks Chris – here’s the sealing ring that would fit your Gourmet
I have purchased an Instant Pot Duo Gourmet from Costco but it doesn’t have steam function. Is there a workaround for steaming or will I need to buy another model? Thanks in advance.
You can use either use the Pressure Cook or the Saute button to steam in the Gourment. I often steam broccoli using the pressure cooking function. Just put your steamer basket in with 1 cup of water underneath to steam. For broccoli, you use a zero minute cook time. Which just means the pressure cooker comes to pressure and then you immediately release the pressure. If you prefer not to use a pressure cooking function, use the saute button with water underneath and leave the lid off or use a glass lid. There is no need to buy another model.
Can you adjust the cooking temperature in the yogurt setting or do you have to use the default temperature setting? I want to cook different batches at different temperatures of 99 degrees F to 120 degrees F. Can you adjust the cooking time in the yogurt setting, if so, is there a limit, I want to cook yogurt for 36 hours.
Hi Chris,
Since I rarely cook Yogurt from any other method than what we have on the site, so I haven’t tested any of these. If you push the Yogurt button you’ll see a “boil” reading first, then you press to less and 24:00 hours and the normal is 8:00 hours. I verified today that the Yogurt setting on the Gourmet can adjust to 99 hours if you wanted it to. (Press the Yogurt button until it toggles down to Less, then use the plus button to adjust from the default of 24:00 hours up to your desired 36:00 hours.)
I also know that the Yogurt toggled to Less does Low-temperature fermentation while toggled to Normal does a traditional fermentation. However the user manual doesn’t say what temperatures these settings are equivalent to.
Hope this helps! If you do experiment, I’d love to hear back what works for you.
However, I can’t find
Hello ladies, With my original Duo, like you, I used the Pressure Cook and sauté buttons exclusively when cooking. This Gourmet version allows for customized pre-sets. Each food button can be programmed for 3 different times, just press it 3 times. Examples: my bean button will cycle through a black bean, soaked chickpeas, and unsoaked chickpeas cook times. The oatmeal button is set for steel cut, rolled, and a reheat time in case I make a big batch. I have other buttons set for my frequent foods, and the convenience of these presets is a feature I never want to live without. I hope this tip comes in handy.
Such a smart idea! Thanks for sharing Michelle!
Hi there – Amazon is has the Ultra on sale for the same price as Costco is selling the Duo Gourmet. Which is higher end? Thank you!
Hi Jessica – the Ultra is definitely the higher-end model. They’re both great choices. I don’t like the knob very much on the Ultra, I prefer the push buttons that the Gourmet has, but I do like the progress bar on the Ultra and for $79 that’s a great value for the Ultra.
Hello there,
Thanks for the thorough review. I am new to instant pots and want to buy the gourmet version. Do the accessories for the instant pot fit all versions of the pot? Or will I have to buy accessories specifically for the gourmet version? Also, which accessories do you think are essentials besides the ones that already come with the instant pot? My main goal will be to meal prep (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert/snack) meals with the instant pot. How do the yogurt and sterilize function work on this? Thanks for answering my many questions about this Godsend of a device!
An Instant Pot Newbie
Thanks Zoey – glad it was helpful. Yes, all the accessories that fit a 6 quart Instant Pot will also fit in the IP Gourmet – most accessories are for the 6 quart. The manual gives more info about the sterilize function on page 35 and 37. Info on the yogurt setting is on pages 42 and 43.
I am a novice instant pot user. I was told that my Instant Pot Duo will not naturally depressurize unless I turn it off after pressure cooking (vs on Keep Warm setting). Is that true? I would really appreciate some guidance on this. Thanks!
Hi Janet – no, that is not true. The Keep Warm setting doesn’t kick in until after the temperature inside the pot has dropped below the temperature required to maintain pressure. So natural pressure release will occur whether or not the Keep Warm setting is on.
hi! thanks for this great review. when you say that the duo gourmet doesn’t tell you the cooking status/time, do you mean it doesn’t count down when it’s cooking? could you elaborate on this feature/lack thereof? really appreciate it! i’m very new to the instant pot world.
Thanks Zelda! Some Instant Pots have a progress bar that shows you the progression of the cooking process from preheating to pressure cooking to pressure releasing. Here’s a picture of that It’s not a necessary feature, but nice if you’re impatient like me.
thank you! so does this model show you the amount of time that’s left (like a timer), but just not the exact progress like the photo you posted?
There is no cake option in instant pot duo gourmet. What would be the best option to bake a cake.?
You can use the Pressure Cook setting to “bake” a cake.
Hi! Thank you for all the info! Do you know if I need to adjust for the amount of water in recipes for the 8 quart models?
Hi Melinda – yes, the 8 quart model does require more liquid when cooking pot in pot. Use 1 1/2 cups.
Hi there!
What would you say are the main reasons of buying duo evo plus over duo gourmet. Thanks so much!
The Duo Evo Plus’s handles don’t get hot and you don’t need to use hot pads to remove it from the pot; also the handles stop the inner pot from moving when you stir. The flat bottom of the Duo Evo Plus is nice because the oil doesn’t run to the sides making it easier to saute. But you really can’t go wrong with either model.
Is the sous vide temperature accurate?
Hi Sherry – the temperature may not always be as precise as it would with a sous vide circulator. There’s lots of good information about sous vide in this post
How to compare the timing of steaming of this instant pot to the usual way of steaming on stove? half of the time or the same? Thanks
Hi Nancy – are you trying to figure out a cook time, or to determine whether or not the Gourmet is a time saver?
This model is missing the “porridge” setting. Do you know what would be a good preset mode to use instead?
You can use the Pressure Cooker function for cooking most things, including porridge.
This one doesn’t have the “Steam” button that other models have. Which button of this one can be used for the steam function?
Hi Amy – I never use any of the pre-set buttons, including steam unless I’m making yogurt. Instead, I always use the Pressure Cook button.
Can the timer on this one be set to zero? I really miss that with the Duo Nova.
I’m with you Jenn. My Duo Evo Plus also will not permit a 0 minute cook time. Otherwise it’s my absolute favorite IP and the one I recommend if one is willing to pay the price. I don’t understand why IP makes these annoying changes on various models. My IP Duo permits 0 minute cook time and it’s a much less expensive IP. This kind of practice makes choosing an IP model that much more difficult. IP needs to create a “User Advisory Panel” of current owners to help them stop making these dumb product/feature decisions. They keep shooting them selves in the foot!
Hi Sigrid – I do like the option for cooking for 0 minutes. I think they should hire me to advise them 😉 You can set it for 1 minute and as soon as the time shows up on the display, hit the cancel button and that will be the same as a 0 minute cook time.
Nice job on this review. This model looks like a good choice for many and the price at Costco will soon be less than it is currently – this a good buy.