Pampered Chef Quick Cooker Review
Today I have the pleasure of reviewing the Pampered Chef Quick Cooker. It’s a high-end pressure cooker that gives users the ability to customize pressure levels. It comes with clear Getting Started Guides that are perfect for novices and offers an awesome accessories package that will please even pressure cooking veterans.
Sarah, a Pressure Cooking Today reader, recently wrote to share her experiences with her Pampered Chef Quick Cooker. I’ve been dying to learn more about the Quick Cooker ever since it was released in September, and Sarah played matchmaker to get me in contact with Pampered Chef, which sent me a 6-quart Quick Cooker to test out!
The Quick Cooker is one of the more expensive electric pressure cookers on the market. However, like most Pampered Chef products, it is beautiful and well-built, and it offers features that other pressure cookers don’t have.
About the Pampered Chef Quick Cooker
The Quick Cooker has a clear LCD display and combines a dial and push-button controls. The controls take a bit of getting used to, but I did love that the custom, time, and pressure level settings are all push-button, so I don’t have to scroll through a long menu to set a custom cook time.
The dial allows cooks to toggle through the preset cooking programs. Like most electric pressure cookers on the market, the Pampered Quick Cooker has preset cooking programs like Chicken and Rice as well as the ability to set a custom pressure level and cook time.
While I generally cook with a custom setting, I am very excited to take advantage of the proofing setting for making breads and sweet rolls. On the preset cooking programs, the pressure level cannot be adjusted but the default cook time can be adjusted.
The Pampered Chef Quick Cooker allows cooks to select one of seven different pressure levels rather than just having High or Low Pressure options. (The user manual includes just a little information about the different levels, but as far as I can tell, you’d need to experiment with it to figure out what level works for you.)
It has a plastic casing that covers the entire pressure cooker, so it’s easy to wipe clean. The lid is also fully encased in plastic. When I used it the first time, I was surprised at how cool the lid stayed—the plastic casing on the lid means there are no metal “do not touch” spots to avoid and I could just place it upside down on the counter when I was done cooking.
I really like the button to activate the pressure release. It’s a large button midway on the handle and keeps your hands away from the release valve. You simply set and reset the release valve by pressing the button. This can be helpful if you need to use an intermittent release.
For comparison, while the inner stainless steel pot is about the same size as the 6-quart Instant Pot Duo, it’s about a pound heavier and slightly larger due to the rounded-corners square shape of the Quick Cooker. However, this extra size comes mainly from the built-in handles that are on the sides that make it easy to carry around.
It took a few attempts to get used to using the handles, but they’re one of my favorite features now.
The Quick Cooker comes with a trivet as well as a getting started guide, reference guide, cooking guide, and manual. These guides are written to give new pressure cooker users confidence as they get to know their machine. These guides also have useful cooking charts divided by ingredient type as well as recipes and beautiful photos.
Quick Cooker Accessories
The Quick Cooker comes with an optional accessories package. The package includes a springform pan, a ceramic pot with a silicone stretch-fit lid, and a wire cradle (a metal sling that fits perfectly with the pot and pan). I was impressed with their quality.
The ceramic pot is substantial—heavier than you expect. It has a neat little silicone cover that fits tightly over the pot and ensures you’ll never need a foil cover. The springform pan fits together tightly and doesn’t have a rim to catch water while cooking.
Both the springform and the ceramic pot are oven-safe and can go directly from the Quick Cooker to the oven—a major plus when making foods like Au Gratin Potatoes.
Pampered Chef also sells spare silicone rings (a must for cheesecake, in my opinion), an extra trivet, and extra stainless steel cooking pots.
I REALLY love these accessories. They’re well thought-out and high quality. The manual specifies that the springform pan and the ceramic pot are designed to work with the Quick Cooker’s included rack and that they haven’t been tested with other pressure cookers.
Before using, you’ll want to make sure that these pots fit underneath your pressure cooker’s lid and that the pots fit inside your pan with room around the edges for the steam to rise. (I’ve tested these accessories in a 6-quart Instant Pot, and they fit great.)
If you’re not in a position to invest in the Quick Cooker, I think that starting off with just the accessories package is a great way to go.
Using the Pampered Chef Quick Cooker
To test out the Quick Cooker, I tried out the preset settings using their recipes provided and tried the manual setting for some of my favorites.
From their recipe book, I tested their Pot Roast with Mashed Potatoes because I wanted to know how the Quick Cooker handled meats. Could it keep it moist without making a gravy? I also wanted to try the ceramic pot with the wire cradle. I was unsure about cooking potatoes for the same amount of time as the roast, but the potatoes turned out great. The thick ceramic pot helped slow the cooking of the potatoes, and it was convenient to mash the potatoes in the same pot they cooked in.
One thing to note: I have found the Quick Cooker Sear setting runs a little hot. For browning meats this generally isn’t a problem, but you will need to keep a closer eye on your food when using the Sear setting and maybe shorten the searing time. You’ll also want to have a little water or broth ready just in case, especially with vegetables, onions, or garlic.
I asked the Pampered Chef team about the hot Sear setting, and this was the response from their Vice President of Product Development:
Under the Sear setting, we are trying to facilitate the Maillard reaction to develop great crusts and fonds quickly, which typically needs a temperature above 300 degrees F to begin to achieve effectively. We wanted our unit to reach this sear temperature range very quickly, and typically the food items are tended to during this function. However, there is another way to control the heat at a lower level. You can use the steam setting, which will control the temperature to 212 degrees F, which would work well for your delicate sauces, etc. You can also modulate the sear setting by hitting cancel if you notice it getting too hot for what you are trying to achieve.
I also tested Mongolian Beef with White Rice and Pumpkin Pie Steel Cut Oats in the Quick Cooker. Both meals turned out great. There was a little less liquid loss than in some of my other pressure cookers, so I had to let the oats sit and thicken for a little longer than usual.
Ultimately, this is a high-quality pressure cooker! Those who love the Pampered Chef brand will love their take on the electric pressure cooker. I also highly recommend the accessories package to those who already have a pressure cooker.
The Quick Cooker giveaway has ended. Thank you for participating.
Disclosure: I received a free Pampered Chef Quick Cooker with Accessories to review. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions expressed are always my own.
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Junk, don’t waste your money. I bought it as a consultant and it came cracked. I was able to get it replaced bc it wouldn’t come to pressure. The second one stopped working. It would not come to pressure and it was over the 1 year mark so they would do nothing for me. There was not even an option to try to fix it. I was a consultant until this debacle.
We were given a quick cooker just today.Per your review you say that it comes with
“The Quick Cooker comes with an optional accessories package. ” How is it optional if it comes with it? Mine did not come with this optional package and I can’t evan find those items on their website.
Hi Claude – our review was written in 2018, so Pampered Chef may no longer offer a bundle with the accessories. They do have several accessories on their website
My quick cooker seems to release to much steam, causing the cooker to dry out. I made the bone broth. Should have made 8 cups but only got 2 cups. Started with liquid just under the max fill line. Followed all directions. This is my 2nd quick cooker. Same problem with previous one
That’s frustrating – do you see steam coming out around the edges of the lid?
This is extremely frustrating that you can not find information on how to use this as a slow cooker!! Is it high or low??! I have to babysit it to make sure it doesn’t burn? Any luck finding information!! I have searched and searched and can’t find anything, why tout a product as something you provide no information on, shame on Pampered Chef!!
Hi Annamaire – I’m not familiar with the slow cooker function but there is a Pampered Chef Facebook group that may have the answers you’re looking for.
I totally agree with this. I went to use the slow cooker feature for the first time. It does not seem like you can adjust the heat. That’s ridiculous. This is a major disadvantage over the Instant Pot.
It only cooks on high. I had to search fir this info, but it did find it on a YouTube video.
YES!!! I just searched for 30 minutes until I found this. Thank you!
when using the slow cook mod on the quick cooker is the maximum time 4 hrs. i want to slow cook for 7 hrs
When you go to the slow cook setting, the default is 4 hours, but it can go up to a max of 10 hours. To do this, hit the time button. Then use the plus button to adjust in 30-minute increments up to 10 hours. Hope this helps!
You mentioned, “Pampered Chef also sells spare silicone rings (a must for cheesecake, in my opinion)”. I am a true newbie to pressure cooking world… what did you mean by this??
Hi Kathryn – the silicone ring (gasket) absorbs odors that can be difficult to remove from the gasket. Generally, the odors don’t transfer to food, but on rare occasions, I have noticed a slight transfer of flavor to the outside of a cheesecake. So I have a gasket for cooking savory things and a gasket for cooking sweet, mild things like cheesecake.
Hello! I hope someone can help me. I just purchased the quick cooker and my user instruction book is missing all instructions in English. I have instructions in 4 other languages but not English. I’m not having any luck with customer service or online. I’m missing pages 4-15 if anyone can help. Thank you so much in advance!
Hi Laura – I did find this replacement cooking guide
Hi Barbara! This is fantastic! I need this too!! Thank you!! Wow!! Thank you so much for such a quick reply! I’m excited to try these recipes!! By chance have you seen the black and white booklet that comes in the box that warns of safety, detailed how to use, and troubleshooting? Thank you again so much!
Has anyone ever done canned green beans in the cooker?
Hi Pam – canning low acid foods in the pressure cooker is not recommended. There’s more information in this post
I bought the quick cooker in December 2018 and loved it; however 10 months later it quit working. Pampered Chef replaced it, but here we are 9 months later and this one will no longer pressure up. I have always used it correctly, cleaned it thoroughly , tried a new silicone ring, and still won’t work. I am extremely disappointed. This costs twice what similar items on the market cost. What’s even worse, is I purchased 3 more as gifts.
Thanks for sharing Sonia. That’s is frustrating.
Sonia, have you reached out to your pampered chef consultants? It’s supposed to come with a one-year warranty so you should still be in the window to get a replacement!
I borrowed my friend’s pamper chef quicker cooker, as I’m teaching from I thought this will give me opportunity to learn about it, but it never reached even warm, now since it was under my care I have to replace it with a new one
That’s frustrating. Are you didn’t set it for a delayed start or something?
Did you remember to add liquid? One mistake I made when I was first learning how to use my pressure cooker was not adding water to the cooker. I kept wondering why it would never get warm and then finally figured it out. You must add liquid each time.
I would like a chart like was done for Insta pot for the Settings on the PC Quick Cooker . I Love all PC products and use their Quick Cooker all the time now. Best to host a PC party or become a consultant, and save on the costs. I’d never used Pampered Chef before, but now I have a few items I’m sold on the quality of their products. I attended a Party then became a consultant. Waiting for their Air Fryer to replace our countertop convection oven.
I’d love to know how you turn the thing off having to unplug it and plug it back in when I want to use not is quite annoying in my kitchen I just want to be able to turn it off and not have it’s display constantly blinking at me.
Hi Tony,
I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I cannot get the display to turn off when it’s plugged in. My former contact at Pampered Chef R&D isn’t with them anymore and I haven’t had much luck getting in touch with Pampered Chef on this issue. If I hear back from them, I’ll let you kno.
HI there 🙂 I am not with pampered chef but I can tell you that even my instant pots display doesn’t turn off completely without unplugging it.
To solve this problem with our PC products, we ordered “Cable Matters 3 Pack Grounded Outlet with ON Off Switch, Single Outlet with Switch” from . Hope this helps 🙂
I have a pc pressure cooker and love it
I love my quick cooker …Thanks to Julie Dent i enjoy it all the time!!!
Does anyone know if the setting of the slow cooker on the Quick Cooker is low or high? Trying to figure out how to adjust my crock pot recipes and can’t find that info anywhere.
Hi Deatrice! That’s a great question! I looked over all the materials and couldn’t find the answer. I’ve reached out to my contact at Pampered Chef for additional details about this setting, and I’ll pass on the information as soon as I get it!
Did find out if the slow cook setting is high or low? Thanks.
Same question. Gonna assume low and hope for the best.
Has the question ever been answered? I too am looking for this info…I also love my new Quick Cooker… the only complaint that I have is the info on it is very “limited” both in the”manuals” and when you try to google it online. I do find it frustrating!
I’m sorry I still haven’t gotten an official response. I don’t often slow cook anymore, but I will try the slow cook setting soon and see what I can figure out. It is frustrating that the information isn’t more available!
Does anyone know if the PC accessories would fit in an instant pot? Specifically the Quick Cooker Racks & Prep Bowls Set.
I was told that they will but pampered chef will void the warranty if used in an Instapot.
I read that it Slow Cooker mode is on High for 4 hours, then you can adjust time for more at low. Sorry can’t find where exactly I read it was a FB Quick Cooker group. I’m still trying to get a cheat sheet for which temperature each mode is. Will report if I find an answer.
I saw an earlier reply to this question that said it was high.
Hi! I am a pampered chef consultant and M having my first virtual party. Are you ok if I post the link to your review in my event? I am a subscriber of your and bought your book when I purchased my instant pot. The quick cooker I on my wishlist because of all the accessories but since I don’t actually have one yet, I would like to use your review and another pampered chef video to promote it. Thank you!
Hi Meagan – yes, you’re more than welcome to share a link to my review at your virtual event. Thanks for asking.
Do we have an answer to this question? My customer set the time to 8 hrs but it did start bubbling right away and I don’t want them to burn it up on High for 8 hours, help?
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Are the settings the same between an Instant Pot and the Quick Cooker? I’m wondering if I can use IP recipes with the QC.
Hi Lindsey – yes, you can use Instant Pot recipes in the Quick Cooker. The settings may not be the same, but just adjust the time to the time in the recipe.
I just got my pamper chef quick cooker I want to know if I can, can meat in this quick cooker. I can not find any info on canning meat. Thank you.
Hi Deb – no electric pressure cooker has been approved for low acid canning. You can do hot water bath canning
I just had a pampered chef party and was introduced to the quick cooker. I have a conventional presto pressure cooker that I use occasionally it am afraid of burning myself or having the lid blow because of too much pressure. This looks easy and safe to use. Would love to win one.
Thanks Barbara – the giveaway has ended.
The nice thing is that you can actually gather friends, get to try out the cooker before you buy one, and then earn host benefits so that you can get your Quick Cooker free or half price. Simply go to and request a consultant near you. You can also host online parties but they are not nearly as fun or useful since you can’t try the cooker or the resulting amazing food over the internet.
Love Pampered Chef , but all of mine are very outdated.
Have a party! All of my PC items are old, but still in great condition. I had a party last night and I can’t believe how much more stuff there is and so many people at my party had a lot of the current items and swear by them. I’m excited to put my order in today 🙂
Seems like everyone is jumping on the electric pressure cooker bandwagon. It will be interesting to see how all the different brands hold up.
I have been following your site and posts for the convenience of recipes to adapt to my Quick Cooker. It has changed the way I make meals for my family. I just love it. I’m a consultant for Pampered Chef and I appreciate your honest review. I’m happy to be a resource if questions exist on the QC and its adaptability. The accessory set is as beautiful as it is useful and practical. I’m able to provide hot meals that would otherwise not be possible if it were not for the efficiency of this product!
sounds like a great help in the kitchen. I have a old model pressure cooker that I got in the 1960’s and use it.This one sounds like its much easier to use
I know I live in Australia and this probably is for US citizens only, but for such a great cooker its worth it.
Hi Ruth – sorry, it is for US citizens only. I’m not sure if they sell Pampered Chef in Australia?
Hi Ruth, I’m not sure I can ship to Australia — but I would look into it for you as I’m a consultant. I swear by this Quick Cooker. It’s absolutely and completely changed the way I can cook for my family!
Wow what a beautiful pressure cooker. I have quite a few Pampered Chef items I’ve bought over the years that I use all the time and love-I have no doubt their pressure cookers are very high quality. That’s one nice accessory package too!
Hi Barbara,
How does this compare next to the Ninja Foodie? When you reported on the foodie, I was very impressed. I went right out and bought one. I love it, it does everything it says it does. I have a Nuwave 6 qt, and a consori 2qt, love them both. Can not afford to buy another one HE HE HA HA.
Hi Ann – so glad to hear you’re loving your Foodi. Since this one doesn’t have the air fryer features, it’s very hard to compare them 🙂
I recently went to a pampered chef party and she demonstrated the pressure cooker. Even though she had used it many times before it would not come to pressure. She was doing a pot in pot dinner. She finally decided that there was too much chicken in the pot.
Anyway that being said I am sure it was just a fluke. I was impressed with all the neat features. If you never had a modern PC you probably wouldn’t appreciate all the new bells and whistles.